Coca-Cola, or Coke for short, is a world-renowned soda produced by The Coca-Cola Company. The company was the original sponsor of the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas. Along with Dolly Madison, it was the original sponsor of Charlie Brown's All-Stars and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Coca-Cola advertising, however, only appeared during the opening and closing credits of those specials on their original TV airings. In later releases, Coca-Cola branding was edited out.
A Charlie Brown Christmas[]
The original uncut telecast version features sponsor plugs within the context of the program. During the main title sequence, while the song "Christmas Time Is Here" is playing, Snoopy tosses both Charlie Brown and Linus. Charlie crashes into a tree as the main title credits appear (as is still seen in prints of the special today). Linus crashes into a Coca-Cola sign (indicating the show's sponsor). After the final credits (while the Peanuts gang sing "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"), a subtitle appears that says "Merry Christmas from your local Coca-Cola bottler". Due to subsequent FCC laws precluding sponsor plugs in the context of children's programs, these two elements have been edited out of all current prints (even in the so-called "uncut" versions shown on CBS, as well as on all home video releases from Paramount Home Entertainment and Warner Home Video.).
Charlie Brown’s All Stars[]
The original 1966 version has a longer opening that acknowledges the sponsors Coca-Cola and Dolly Madison Cakes. After passing through a loose board in the fence, Charlie Brown walks past signs acknowledging the sponsors. The end credits noticeably skip a frame rather than continuing to fade in and out, meaning this was likely where the sponsor acknowledgment was during the credits although footage of the credit sponsor screen has not surfaced yet.
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown[]
The original 1966 version had longer opening and ending credits to acknowledge the sponsors, including Coca-Cola and Dolly Madison cakes. Modern broadcast versions and home video releases have the opening fade away after an owl approaches while the end credits fade early after the United Feature Syndicate screen.