Happy Birthday, Charlie Brown is a 1978 documentary which originally aired on CBS on January 5, 1979. Timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Peanuts as well as the 15th anniversary of the first animated special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, it includes an interview with Charles M. Schulz. It was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program, though it was not fully animated.
- Peter Robbins: Charlie Brown (1965–1969)
- Arrin Skelly: Charlie Brown
- Daniel Anderson: Linus van Pelt
- Annalisa Bortolin: Sally Brown
- Casey Carlson: Marcie
- Sally Dryer: Lucy van Pelt (1966–1968)
- Michelle Muller: Lucy van Pelt
- Laura Planting: Peppermint Patty
- Ronald Hendrix: Franklin
- Bill Melendez: Snoopy/Woodstock
- Don Potter: Snoopy (singing)
- The animated sequence of Snoopy performing "The Big Bow Wow" would be partially recycled in the animated adaption of Snoopy!!! The Musical.
- A clip of the animated sequence of Snoopy performing "Suppertime" can be seen in a 1994 trailer for Peanuts on VHS.
- Several animated vignettes adapted from individual strips were repurposed from the previous documentary Happy Anniversary, Charlie Brown.