"Hissez le menu" (French for "hoist the menu") is a short animated cartoon from the 2014 French TV series Peanuts, produced by Normaal animation and based on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. It first aired on France 3 on November 20, 2014. It is included in the episode "Don't Worry, Charlie Brown" that first aired on Boomerang and Cartoon Network in the United States on May 9, 2016.
Charlie Brown comes to Snoopy's doghouse with different color flags. Each one represents types of meals (desserts, dinner, lunch...). Charlie Brown tells Snoopy that he has to raise a flag, depending of the type of meal he wants. Soon afterwards, Snoopy raises all the flags at once. When Charlie Brown brings his food, Snoopy starts dancing and continues doing so for a long time. When he stops, he is too tired to eat.
The short is based on a Sunday strip from December 18, 1983.