"Little Birdie" is a song from the 1973 animated TV special A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It was written by Vince Guaraldi who sings the song in the special. Although unnamed in the lyrics, the "little birdie" of the title refers to Woodstock.
- Little birdie,
- why do you fly upside down?
- it's amazing,
- that the way you get around.
- Little birdie,
- why do you worry like you do?
- Don't you worry,
- just do what you can do.
- Little birdie,
- things just fascinate you so.
- and your friend there,
- likes to show you what he knows.
- Little birdie,
- he don't mind the way he should.
- He needs watching,
- that's when you know he'll be good.
- Little birdie,
- can't your friend do nothing right?
- It just seems now,
- all he wants to do is fight.
- Little birdie,
- look at what he's trying to do.
- It's so easy,
- yet he don't know what to do.