This is America, Charlie Brown is an eight-part educational animated cartoon series featuring characters from the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz. The series originally aired on CBS from October 21, 1988 to May 23, 1989. It was the final Peanuts series for 20 years until Peanuts Motion Comics.
The series featured the Peanuts characters learning about events and people from American history. Due to the necessity of depicting important historical characters, This is America, Charlie Brown, is one of the few Peanuts animated cartoons, along with the movie Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don't Come Back!!), and the TV specials What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?, It's the Girl in the Red Truck, Charlie Brown, Snoopy's Reunion and It's the Pied Piper, Charlie Brown, to depict adults' faces; something that never happened in the Peanuts comic.
Most episodes of the series have not been rerun on television in the United States. However, since 2008, the first episode, The Mayflower Voyagers, has been aired immediately following A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
- "The Mayflower Voyagers" (aired October 21, 1988)
- "The Birth of the Constitution" (aired October 28, 1988)
- "The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk" (aired November 4, 1988, features the character of Linus' cousin Dolly)
- "The NASA Space Station" (aired November 11, 1988)
- "The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad" (aired February 10, 1989)
- "The Great Inventors" (aired March 10, 1989)
- "The Smithsonian and the Presidency" (aired April 18, 1989)
- "The Music and Heroes of America" (aired May 23, 1989)
Voice cast[]
- Erin Chase: Charlie Brown (1988–1989)
- Brandon Stewart: Linus van Pelt (1988–1989)
- Erica Gayle: Lucy van Pelt (1988–1989)
- Brittany Thornton: Sally Brown (1988–1989)
- Jason Mendelson: Peppermint Patty (1988–1989)
- Curtis Andersen: Schroeder (1989)
- Tani Taylor Powers: Marcie (1988)
- Marie Cole: Marcie (1989)
- Hakeem Abdul-Samad: Franklin (1989)
- Gregg Berger: Jonathan "John" Krusei / Miles Standish / Orville Wright / Additional Adult Voices (1988–1989)
- Frank Welker: Abraham Lincoln / Thomas Edison / Alexander Graham Bell / Theodore Roosevelt / Wilbur Wright / Additional Adult Voices (1988-1989)
- Hal Smith: Delegate / John Muir (1988–1989)
- Bill Melendez: Snoopy and Woodstock
- Jason Riffle: Charlie Brown (in "The Birth of the Constitution" episode)
- Ami Foster: Lucy van Pelt (in "The Birth of the Constitution" episode)
- Jeremy Miller : Linus van Pelt (in "The Birth of the Constitution" episode)
- Keri Houlihan: Marcie (in "The Birth of the Constitution" episode)
- Christina Lange: Sally Brown (in "The Birth of the Constitution" episode)
- Grant Gelt: Franklin (in "The NASA Space Station" episode)
- Brandon Horne as Cousin Dolly
- Peter Robbins as Charlie Brown's screaming (in "The NASA Space Station" episode)
- Each episode receives a Special Thanks credit in the end credits.
- It was the last Peanuts series for 2 decades.